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In-Building Wireless
IFC / NFPA Fire Codes
Is your building safe and up to code?

Public Safety
IFC / NFPA Fire Code Compliance

Signal Compliance Corp tests buildings and designs mission critical In-Building Public Safety radio networks that achieve IFC / NFPA In-Building Wireless Fire Code Compliance.


Was your building built before 2018? Chances are the building has not had an ERRC (Emergency Responder Radio Communications) Test.  Do Police and Fire Department radios work throughout your building? What happens if there's a dangerous incident and Emergency Responders' hand-held radios can't communicate inside your facility? This problem is easily identified and solvable.


Will my building pass testing? Data from Safer Buildings Coalition (Nov 2022), shows approximately 52% of buildings tested had some areas that did not meet current IFC/ NFPA Fire Codes. The only way to be certain is to professionally test.


The first step is in-building signal level testing - it's easily affordable. If your building passes, terrific! We issue a comprehensive report for the local authorities and for the building's insurance carrier, demonstrating the building achieves IFC / NFPA In-Building Wireless Fire Codes.


If a structure requires signal boosting, Signal Compliance Corp designs and installs an indoor BDA (bi-directional amplifier) system to increase indoor Police & Fire Dept radio signal strength.


Signal Compliance Corp works with your local Fire and Police Department. All signal testing, project designs are reviewed and approved prior to starting work.

Contact Us

Call Us at 617-807-0178

Signal Compliance Corporation

182 Summer Street

Building 6-240
Kingston, MA 02364

© 2023 Signal Compliance Corporation

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